2–3 декабря — Девятая российско-китайская академическая встреча по арктической тематике 2020 года
Начало: 10:00 (по московскому времени)
Платформа: ZOOM
Язык: английский
В рамках сотрудничества СПбГУ с Океаническим университетом Китая (Циндао, КНР) пройдет девятая российско-китайская академическая встреча по арктической тематике 2020 года. Во время встречи эксперты двух стран обсудят главные темы российско-китайского стратегического партнерства:
- Механизмы и пути научно-исследовательского сотрудничества в Арктике
- Вызовы и возможности в сфере арктического энергетического взаимодействия
- Природоохранное сотрудничество
- Развитие арктических биологических ресурсы и применение лекарственных растений в китайской медицине и в России
► Draft Topics:
Panel One:
Mechanism and Ways of Sino-Russian Arctic Research Cooperation
Discussion topics are planned to include: How to build a new platform for Sino-Russian Arctic scientific research cooperation or make full use of existing scientific platforms? What concerns does Russia have about China-Russia cooperation in Arctic science and technology? What are the main obstacles to Sino-Russian Arctic scientific cooperation? How can the two countries overcome these obstacles?
Panel Two:
Challenges and Solutions for Sino-Russian Arctic Energy Cooperation
Discussion topics are planned to include: Looking back at the history and current situation of energy cooperation between the two countries, what achievements have China and Russia achieved in Arctic energy cooperation, and what experiences and lessons can be summed up? Does this experience have “universal applicability”-it should be applied to energy cooperation or other industrial cooperation in other regions of China and Russia. What challenges will the two countries face in Arctic energy cooperation in the future? What is the future trend of Sino-Russian Arctic energy cooperation?
Panel Three:
Sino-Russian Arctic Environmental Protection Cooperation
Discussion topics are planned to include: What achievements have been made in Russian Arctic environmental research? What are the challenges facing the Russian Arctic environment? What are the existing Russian environmental research projects? What are the entry points for China and Russia to cooperate in the field of Arctic environmental protection? The status quo of Sino-Russian cooperation in Arctic permafrost research.
Panel Four:
Development of Arctic Biological Resources and Utilization of Chinese Herbal Medicine in China and Russia
Discussion topics are planned to include: Sort out the basic types of traditional Chinese medicine in the Russian Arctic, show the research and development status of Russian Arctic Chinese medicine, and explore the field of Sino-Russian Arctic Chinese medicine cooperation. Study the potential and methods of China and Russia for medical cooperation in the Arctic region.