Olga V. Galanina

Teaching courses

  • Biogeography
  • Biogeographic mapping
  • Mire science
  • Ecology
  • Living terrestrial and marine resources in the Arctic
  • Modern Approaches for Biodiversity Preservation


Associate professor, Department of Biogeography and Environmental Protection

E-mail: o.galanina@spbu.ru

Phone: (812) 323-85-52

Education, scientific degrees and titles

  • 1994, physical & evolutionary geography, Faculty of Geography & Geoecology, St. Petersburg State University
  • 2004, PhD, Botany, Vegetation of raised bogs and its mapping in SW boreal zone

Research IDs

Research interests

Mire ecosystems, peat mosses, mire types, plant communities, vegetation mapping

Key publications

  1. Galanina O. 2006: Comparative application of two vegetation classification approaches to large-scale mapping of bog vegetation. Suo 57(3): 71-79.
  2. Galanina O. & Heikkilä R.  2007: Comparison of Finnish and Russian approaches for large scale vegetation mapping - case study in Härkösuo mire, eastern Finland. Mires and Peat. Vol. 2. Article 1. http://www.mires-and-peat.net/, ISSN 1819-754X.
  3. Vellak K., Liira J., Karofeld E., Paal J., Galanina O., Noskova M. Drastic turnover of bryophyte vegetation on bog microforms initiated by air pollution in Northeastern Estonia and bordering Russia. Wetlands. 2014. Vol. 34, №6, P. 1097-1108.
  4. Prokina K.I., Mylnikov A.P., Philippov D.A., Galanina O.V. First reports on heterotrophic flagellates in the mires of Arkhangelsk region, Russia. Biology Bulletin. 2017. Vol.44. №9. P.1007-1018.
  5. Granath G., Rydin H., Baltzer J.L., Bengtsson F., Boncek N., Bragazza L., Bu Z.J., Caporn S.J.M., Dorrepaal E., Galanina O., GaÅka M., Ganeva A., Gillikin D.P., Goia I., Goncharova N., Hájek M., Haraguchi A., Harris L.I., Humphreys E., Jiroušek M. et al. ENVIRONMENTAL AND TAXONOMIC CONTROLS OF CARBON AND OXYGEN STABLE ISOTOPE COMPOSITION IN SPHAGNUM ACROSS BROAD CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGES // Biogeosciences. 2018. Т. 15. № 16. С. 5189-5202. ISSN: 1726-4189.
  6. Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Konoreva L.A., Potemkin A.D., Kotkova V.M., Galanina O.V., Alataş M., Blom H.H., Boiko M., Cabral R.A., Jimenez S., Dagnino D., Turcato C., Minuto L., Erzberger P., Ezer T., Hodgetts N., Ignatov M.S., Ignatova E.A. et al. NEW NATIONAL AND REGIONAL BRYOPHYTE RECORDS, 63 // Journal of Bryology. 2020. Т. 42. № 3. С. 281-296.
  7. Bengtsson F., Rydin H., Granath G., Baltzer J.L., Bragazza L., Bu Z.-J., Ma J.-Z., Caporn S.J.M., Dorrepaal E., Flatberg K.I., Stenøien H.K., Galanina O., Gałka M., Ganeva A., Natcheva R., Goia I., Goncharova N., Hájek M., Jiroušek M., Haraguchi A. et al.  ENVIRONMENTAL DRIVERS OF SPHAGNUM GROWTH IN PEATLANDS ACROSS THE HOLARCTIC REGION // Journal of Ecology. 2021. Т. 109. № 1. С. 417-431.      
  8. Зеленкевич Н.А., Груммо Д.Г., Созинов О.В., Галанина О.В. Флора и растительность верховых болот Беларуси. Минск, 2016. 244 с.
  9. Доронина А.Ю., Галанина О.В., Смагин В.А., Орлов Т.В. БОЛОТА  ЛЕМБОЛОВСКОЙ  ВОЗВЫШЕННОСТИ (ЛЕНИНГРАДСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ) // Ботанический журнал. 2020. Т. 105. № 9. С. 909-918.  
  10. Панов В.В., Галанина О.В. ПОЛУТОРАВЕКОВАЯ ДИСКУССИЯ ОБ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИИ БОЛОТА В РОССИИ // Известия Русского географического общества. 2021. Т. 153. № 2.  С. 72-90.

Other professional activities

  • Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, senior researcher,
  • Membership in Russian Botanical Society, International Mire Conservation Group
  • Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Institute of  Earth Sciences

Russian version