Boris Burakov

Teaching courses

  • Mineralogy and geochemistry of spent nuclear fuel and nuclear wastes


Chief Scientist, Department of Crystallography


Education, scientific degrees and titles

  • 1986, MD, Geology-Geochemistry-Mineralogy, Leningrad State University
  • 1991, PhD “Mineralogy of artificial  compounds formed as a result of accident at Chernobyl NPP”
  • 2013, DSc, “Crystalline mineral-like crystalline matrices for actinide immobilization”

Research IDs

Research interests

Radioactive wastes, radioactive crystals and ceramics, radiation damage effects in solids, severe nuclear accidents

Key publications

  1. Burakov B.E., Ojovan M.I., Lee W.E. (2010) Crystalline materials for actinide immobilization. Imperial College Press, Materials for Engineering, Vol.1. 197 p.
  2. Burakov B.E., Yagovkina M.A., A study of accelerated radiation damage effects in PuO2 and gadolinia-stabilized cubic zirconia, Zr0.79Gd0.14Pu0.07O1.93, doped with 238Pu. J. Nucl. Mater. 467 (2015) 534-536.
  3. Pöml. P., Burakov B., Study of a “hot” particle with a matrix of U-bearing metallic Zr: Clue to supercriticality during the Chernobyl nuclear accident, J. Nucl. Mater., 488 (2017) 314-318.
  4. Burakov B.E. Lava-like materials formed and solidified during Chernobyl accident. In: Konings, Rudy JM and Stoller Roger E (eds.) Comprehensive Nuclear Materials 2nd edition (2020), vol. 2, pp. 525–540.
  5. Bocharov S.N., Burakov B.E., Isakov A.I., Orekhova K.N. Dementeva E.V., Zamoryanskaya M.V., Dementev P.A., Ber B.Y., Kasantsev D.Yu., Tokarev M.V., Petrov Yu.Yu. Self-glowing single crystal diamond activated with carbon-14: first synthesis and characterization, Diamond and related materials, 141 (2024)

Awards and honors

  • Badge of honor “For participation in elimination of Chernobyl accident” (ROSATOM order #1/355-лс. 23.11.2011)
  • Medal of V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute,#40, (order # 61/лс, 02.05.2012)
  • Badge of honor “Veteran of Atomic Energy Production and Industry” (ROSATOM order # 1/86-лс, 13.04.2012)

Other professional activities

  • Ioffe Institute, Chief Scientist
  • Karpinsky Geological Institute, Chief Expert

Russian version