Gennady N. Kiselev

Teaching courses

Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Petersburg State University:

  • History of Earth and an organic space. Paleontology.
  • Facial analyis and paleogeographic reconstructions (part “paleobiocenology”).
  • An evolution of organic space ( part “early Paleozoic”).
  • Principles and methods of paleontology and evolution of biota of early Paleozoic.

Faculty of Physics:

  • Geological practice (lectures and field studies).

Institute of History:

  • An Examination by experts, sertification and appraisal of natural scientific objects and collections”.



Assistant professor, Department of Sedimentary Geology


Phone: (812) 321-43-16

Education, scientific degrees and titles

  • 2019 –  Department of Sedimental Geology, SPbSU.
  • 1976 –2019 - Ass. Prof. (Department  of Paleontology, (LSU), Saint-Petersburg State University.
  • 1969 – Candidat  of geological and  mineralogical Sciences, The Leningrad State University (LSU)
  • 1966-1969 – Post-graduate, The Leningrad State University
  • 1963 - Geologist, Faculty of Geology, The Leningrad State University.

Research IDs

Research interests

Nautiloid Cephalopods, Early Paleosoic of Northern Eurasia ( morphology, paleoecology, biostratigraphical significance); general paleoecology, taphonomy, Silurian stratigraphy.

Key publications

  1. Kiselev G.N. Silurian Cephalopods of North Siberia,-SPb.: SPbSU Publishing House,1998. 96 p., 16 pl.
  2. Kiselev G.N. General Paleoecology with a base of ecology: teaching aids /eds. G. N. Kiselev –SPb:. SPbSU Publishing House, 2005 .144 p.
  3. Kiselev G.N. The Brief informational dictionary of paleoecological terms: teaching aids /eds. G. N. Kiselev .–SPb:. SPbSU Publishing House, 2010, 72 p.
  4. Sciences about Earth and civilization: collective monography ,.T.XI / eds.:Е.М. Nesterov, V.A . Snitko – SPb.: A. I. Hertsen SPbU Publishing. House,2019,244 p.
  5. Kiselev .G .N. , Geology, geoecology, evolutionary geography: collective monography . Т. XIX. / eds.: Е.М.Nesterov, V..А.Snytko.- SPb.: A. I. Hertsen SPbU Publishing House,2020,392 с
  6. Kiselev G. N. Silurian system/period //Russian Geological Encyclopedia. T.3 /eds.: E. A. Kozlovsky, A.A. Ledoskych-M.-SPb.: Publ. House “VSEGEY” -350 p (p 143) (coauthor T. L. Modzalevsraja)

Russian version