Konstantin E. Axenov

Teaching courses

  • Modern theories of urban development  History of town building
  • Urban political geography
  • Geopolitics


Professor, Department of Regional Policy & Political Geography

E-mail: k.aksenov@spbu.ru

Phone: (812) 323-58-15

Education, scientific degrees and titles

  • 2011, doctor of geographical sciences (Habilitation), St.Petersburg State University, thesis topic: "Transformation of Human-Geographic Space of a Metropolis in Post-Soviet Russia"
  • 1989, Candidate of geographical sciences (PhD), Leningrad State University
  • 1986, diploma (Bachelor's – Master’s) with distinction (Economic geography), Leningrad State University

Research IDs

Research interests

Urban studies, political, economic and social geography

Key publications

  1. Aksenov K. E. Geographic Patterns of Desovietization of Toponymy in Russian Cities// Regional Research of Russia, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 220-229
  2. Aksenov K. E. Transformation of Urban Spatiotemporal Systems: the Influence of Retail on the Post-Socialist Large Housing Estates Areas in Leningrad–St. Petersburg in 1989–2016 // Regional Research of Russia, 2019, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 225–235.
  3. Axenov K., Timoshina A., Zemlyanova A. Commercial redevelopment of industrial and residential periphery of Russian metropolis: St. Petersburg, 1989–2017 // Regional Science Policy and Practice, 2020, pp. 1-18.
  4. Axenov K., Krupickaitė D., Morachevskaya K., Zinovyev A. Retail sprawl in post-Soviet urban residential communities: Case studies of Saint-Petersburg and Vilnius. // Moravian Geographical Reports. 2018. Vol. 26, N3. P. 210-219
  5. Axenov, K. Between degradation and gentrification in a post-transformational metropolis city center: the case of St. Petersburg // Eurasian Geography and Economics, Volume 55, Issue 6, 2014, 656-673
  6. Aksenov K. E. Trends in the Accessibility of Public Space in the Post-Soviet Metropolis: Shrinkage or Expansion? Regional Research of Russia, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 340–349.
  7. Axenov, K., I. Brade, and E. Bondarchuk: The Transformation of Urban Space in post-Soviet Russia. Retail Trade and Services development in St. Petersburg, Routledge Curzon Press, London, 2006
  8. Bassin, M. Aksenov, K. Mackinder and the Heartland Theory in Post-Soviet Geopolitical Discourse. Geopolitics, 1 (11), 2006

The Head of Current Research Fundings

  • “Adaptive Governance of Urban Redevelopment: a comparative research between Guangzhou, China and St Petersburg, Russia” Chinese National Natural Science Foundation 41871154, 1.01.2019-31.12.2022

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