Alexander A. Shebesta

Teaching courses

  • Geochemistry of landscapes
  • Environmental monitoring of underground water
  • Water use and monitoring of natural waters
  • Anthropogenic impact on subsurface use
  • Modeling of geochemical processes in subsurface use
  • Rational use and protection of natural waters


Senior lecturer, Department of Geo-Ecology


Phone: (812) 323-85-52

Education, scientific degrees and titles

  • 1973, Saint Petersburg state University (LSU), Department of hydrogeology
  • 1986, candidate of geological and mineralogical Sciences, associate Professor; the topic of the thesis: "Research of processes of interaction of underground water with rocks at high temperatures"

Research IDs

Research interests

Geochemistry, landscape Geochemistry, hydrogeochemistry, geoecological monitoring, hydrogeology

Key publications

  1. Shebesta A. A. Hydrogeochemical features of drinking underground waters of the Leningrad artesian basin. «Environmental problem. Prospection». Proceedings of the VII International scientific and practical conference; southern Federal University. - Rostov-on-don: southern Federal University Publishing house, 2015. - 374 p., p. 369-372. ISBN 978-5-9275-1677-3
  2. Rumyantsev I. A., Shebesta A. A. Unloading of underground waters of the Vendian water-bearing complex in the Gulf of Finland. Zh-l "Biosphere", vol. 9, no. 2, 2017, publishing house of the Fund for scientific research "XXI century", p.197-204. ISSN 2077-1460migration and accumulation in the environment of the lake Kultuban (the Southern Ural). International Research Journal. Is. 02 (56). 52-55 pp. DOI: 10.23670/IRJ.2017.56.082.
  3. Shebesta A. A., Shebesta E. A. Underground waters of the Izborsko-malskaya valley. "Izborsk and its districts" proceedings Of the International scientific and practical conference 2013-2016-Izborsk, Pechorsky district, Pskov region, 2017. – 286 s, p. 239-242.
  4. Senkin O. V., Tatarnikov O. M., Shebesta A. A. Оn the connection between the relief and natural waters of the Izborsko-malskaya valley. "Izborsk and its districts" proceedings оf the International scientific and practical conference 2013-2016-Izborsk, Pechorsky district, Pskov region, 2017. – 286 p., p. 250-253.
  5. Rumiancev I.A., Shebesta A.A. Technogenic load on groundwater in St. Petersburg. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, Albena; Bulgaria; SGEM Volume 18, Issue 3.1, 2018, Pages 703-710  ISSN: 13142704

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